Recorded on October 26, 2023
Comparing XSL-FO and CSS formatting is not straightforward. XSL implementations are not standing still: XSL formatters are still incrementally improving even though the XSL Recommendation has not been updated since 2006. CSS is definitely not standing still, although some of the modules most relevant to paged media are advancing slowly, if at all, and some paged media features have been removed in more recent Working Drafts.
This will be a high-level view of the differences and similarities between XSL-FO and CSS, based on an extensive new analysis by Antenna House while producing the book “XSL-FO/CSS Comparison” that itself is formatted identically using both XSL-FO and CSS. It also covers some of the features of how the two versions are produced.
Presented by Michael MillerMichael Miller is Vice President of Antenna House, Inc., a company that has developed one of the leading standards‐based (XSL‐FO and CSS) document formatting software products on the market today. Michael has a degree in Printing Engineering and Management and has been involved in high‐end composition, document formatting, and document management for over 40 years. He has an extensive background with structured data, including SGML, XML, S1000D, and DITA. During his career, he has worked in Europe and North America and has been involved in the implementations of some of the largest fully automated publishing and document formatting projects.
May 19, 2021 Omnichannel experience is setting the bar for customer expectation and it’s putting new and increasingly complex demands on your business to deliver the right information where your customers need it. Writing for the web is not writing for omnichannel. Preparing your content for emerging technologies requires new approaches to content creation and delivery. It requires a microcontent strategy. Robust content management technology is certainly part of the solution, and your organization will be tempted to invest in new tools for chatbots and voice. However, before you go ahead and fill yet another content silo with zettabytes of information, instead make enhancements to the content creation programs you already have. Microcontent is the next evolution in structured authoring and will open new channels for your content while improving delivery across existing channels. In this session, we will focus on the missing link in a successful microcontent strategy: an intent-based writing methodology. We will highlight some key concepts that will help you to start looking at your content through an omnichannel lens. Presented by: Mike Rowlinson is the VP of Training & Content Services at Precision Content. Mike has been working in the technical communications industry since 2005. His core belief is that great content enables great companies. Mike’s division develops and delivers engaging and effective training and transformation engagements including the recent completion of the firm's eLearning product, the 15 modules self-paced, Precision Content® Writer Training. The training enables writers to create effective content so that staff and customers alike can find what they need and understand what's required quickly and efficiently.
January 12, 2022 Moving to structured authoring and implementing a CMS are critical projects that will generate long-term efficiency gains and significant savings. But before you get there, there are great hurdles to overcome. First and foremost, there's winning budget approval from your execs, who will have a singular focus on risk and ROI. Second, you need to maintain a high level of commitment and buy-in from those executives over the years that re-engineering of content production can last. Too many content restructuring projects fail or don’t even start because they cannot demonstrate a quick and tangible return on investment - and this is where Dynamic Content Delivery changes the game. Dynamic Content Delivery provides outstanding content experiences to your users and creates immediate value for your company without requiring a big bang in your writing process. It earns you internal support, money, and time you can leverage to optimize your content restructuring process. In this webinar, you will learn:
- How Dynamic Content Delivery generates value from your existing content, no matter the writing tools and methods you are using now
- How to achieve quick wins and build a fast ROI to gain support from your Execs for your content project
- How to optimize your project to move to structured authoring and make it a success
Recorded: April 20, 2022
Presented by Géraldine Boulez Your technical documentation is one of your company’s most valuable assets. The bad news is: your execs and most of the other departments in your organization don’t know about it. Even worse, some even consider tech content as an unproductive cost and try to cut it to a minimum. Still, your documentation can achieve your company’s most critical goals in all customer-facing areas, and it’s high time your organization understood and embraced the business opportunity brought by tech doc. In this webinar, you will learn:
- How to debunk the most common misconceptions about the business value of tech doc
- How to connect your tech content to your company’s business goals
- and how to demonstrate to your execs how your documentation can effectively generate gains in three main areas of business: Marketing, Customer Support, and Field Services.
Presented by:
Géraldine is passionate about new technologies and their ability to solve people and business problems. This is what has led her to product management, marketing and business development positions in fast-growing tech companies and innovative corporations for over twenty years. Geraldine is VP of Marketing at Fluid Topics, the leading Content Delivery Platform that reinvents how users search, read and interact with technical documentation.
Recorded on: January 24, 2024
Improve Efficiency and Reduce Risk with High-Quality Componentized Content
In this webinar, we’ll dive into the strategies and practical solutions to help technical writing teams and enterprise content owners to improve editorial workflows and manage the risks associated with generative content. In this session we’ll discuss:- Why enterprises should consider relational componentized content
- Recommendations enterprise content teams should follow to measure success
- How Avalara is increasing content efficiency and customer experience
Chris Carroll is Director of Product Marketing at Acrolinx.
Mike Iantosca is Senior Director of Content Platforms at Avalara.
Dipo Ajose-Coker is Product Marketing Manager at MadCap Software.
Recorded on June 5, 2024
Delivery of tech docs often focuses on search — getting users to a good starting place. But users often have goals that a single page can’t cover. Serious tasks can require reference info, scenarios, and guidance. Users may need information in different media. Each user’s goal depends on their specific context, and they need to follow a unique path through the information. Writers cannot possibly design content for all of those users, with all of their unique paths.
Many of the ways that people have tried have failed. At various times, tech docs have relied more on search, or more on manual hyperlinks, or taxonomy. Pages have been long or short, other media have gone and come. Now AI offers easier ways to map content together, but even that’s not enough. Why?
Only a combination of techniques will give you the information model that you need. And the techniques on their own won’t get you all the way — you need an integrated design to bring your solution together. Learn how.
Key takeaways of this webinar will be: - The real needs of complex tasks for users, and how to map them to usable metadata. - What AI can do to suggest appropriate content — and what it can’t - How to design a suitable goal-enabling solution for your own organization’s needs
Join in with Joe Pairman, Director of Product Management, RWS Group and Jörg Schmidt, Senior Solutions Architect, RWS Group to find out more.
Presented by:Joe Pairman, Director of Product Management, RWS
Joe is Director of Product Management for Tridion. He is currently shaping strategic design for a more accessible and impactful product, drawing on his experiences leading teams and bringing structured content operations to tech companies, banks, and pharma companies.
Jörg Schmidt, Senior Solutions Architect, RWS Jörg has been working in multiple roles for different CCMS providers for more than 20 years. During that time, he has helped defining and implementing solutions in verticals like machinery, automotive, A&D - but also pharma & finance. Since 2013, he has been working for RWS as a Solution Architect.
Recorded on September 28, 2022
Most tech doc websites are barely usable.Why is that? For most people, moving from paper-based documentation to delivering technical content on the web is nothing but generating HTML pages that will turn into a website. But this simplistic view overlooks the difficulties stemming from the specificities of technical documentation and misses the usability and interactivity gains offered by a true digital transformation of tech doc.This webinar will uncover the intricacies of transitioning to a web-based documentation and the cultural and technological clashes it represents. We will carve out the different options you need to consider and the technical choices you need to make, how they vary according to your strategic goals, your corpus of content, and your audience, giving you some key insights for successfully achieving your content digital transformation.Presented by Fabrice Lacroix
Fabrice Lacroix is a serial entrepreneur and a technology pioneer. He has been working for 25 years on the development of innovative solutions around search technology, content enrichment and AI. He is the founder of Fluid Topics, the leading Content Delivery Platform that reinvents how users search, read and interact with technical documentation.
Recorded: June 8, 2022
Content fuels your business. It has a purpose and an expected outcome: Deeper engagement. Higher conversions. Fewer support tickets. The list goes on. But does your content live up to its expectations? And if not, what can you do about it? Join Chris Willis, Acrolinx CMO, as he explores the importance and value of content impact. You’ll learn:
- What impactful content looks like and if yours qualifies
- Why content impact outperforms basic quality to deliver better business results
- How technology can help you automate your content improvement
Christopher P Willis is Acrolinx’s Chief Marketing Officer, responsible for all aspects of the company’s Marketing strategy. Christopher is a specialist in Content Impact, AI, and pipeline management with over 20 years of experience growing companies in the technology sector. Before joining Acrolinx, Christopher held leadership roles in marketing, creative, technical, and business development at companies including Perfecto, Pyxis Mobile, KPMG-CT, ModelGolf, and Cambridge Technology Group. Willis is a recognized thought leader in the areas of AI, DEI and Content Impact, and is active within industry groups dedicated to the growth and health of Marketing Technology and the verticals he serves. Also, this year, Willis received a Top 100 Marketer Award in the 2022 OnCon Icon Awards. https://www.linkedin.com/in/cpwillis
Recorded on January 26, 2023
Traditional web analytics are an invaluable tool that can help you understand how your content is performing in the real world — but they often don’t tell the whole story. Site visitors, time on page, and bounce rate numbers tell you what is happening, but they miss one critical detail: why. In this discussion, learn how collecting qualitative analytics about your content can help drive more actionable feedback by adding a third dimension to the insights you receive about your content. Here are the key takeaways:
- Why traditional web analytics only tell part of the story
- How consistently aligning content with your brand identity impacts the bottom line
- Types of qualitative analytics and their impact on content performance
Chad Dybdahl is a Senior Solutions Consultant with Acrolinx, based out of his home in Wisconsin. He has more than a decade of experience managing enterprise content and loves music and collecting and restoring vintage hi-fi gear. He spends entirely too much time on home automation projects and loves gadgets of all kinds. LinkedIn profile: linkedin.com/in/chad-dybdahl
Recorded: May 25, 2022
Presented by Helen St. Denis Pretty easily, we can get a basic DITA structure from headings, tables and lists in the legacy content. As well, though, for each different source format there are a number of ways to extract information that can be used to refine the DITA output. Likewise, there are ways to enrich the content automatically. There are, however, some things it can’t do… yet. As more and more types of content are being moved to DITA, a greater variety of legacy formats need to be converted. We’ll look at some of them to see what can be gleaned from each, beyond the basic structure, and some of the challenges that remain. Presented by: Helen St. Denis Helen started at Stilo over twenty years ago as a technical editor. As Conversion Services manager, she’s helped customers convert millions of pages of content to DITA, and worked with organizations with many different approaches to, and reasons for, the move to structured content.
March 17, 2021 Xeditor is a professional online XML editor based on state-of-the-art web standards. With Xeditor, structured, semantically correct content in XML format can be created intuitively, efficiently and without technical knowledge. By enabling authors to work together on structured content from any location at any time, Xeditor helps companies put efficient workflows in place. This way, companies are able to take advantage of all the benefits of standardized content - such as automated further processing - without the need for costly training for authors. Presented by: Matthias Kraus is the founder and managing director of Xpublisher GmbH. Since 2001, he has been advising numerous leading international companies and organizations from the aerospace, technology, education, publishing, public administration and many other industries in the field of multi-channel publishing and accompanying them on their way to digitization.
Recorded on October 5, 2022
CPQ systems are just one of several business systems that can be enhanced with the content stored within your CCMS. Thomas and Rik will drill down into this with real-world examples of multiple deployments, including QAD’s own experience. They will discuss the pros and potential pitfalls of these combined systems and explore the best approach to take to maximize their success. Presented by: Thomas Blumer, QAD
Dr. Thomas Blumer is the Director of Knowledge Management at QAD. He has a Doctorate in Business Administration with a focus on Knowledge Transfer in M&A Integrations. In his current role, Thomas is delivering enterprise-wide Knowledge Management initiatives focused on collaborating, accelerating best practices, and leveraging internal organizational knowledge. Thomas' main focus is to provide customers, partners, and QAD employees with the right product knowledge, at the right time and at the right place.
Over the last 30 years, Thomas has worked for several Fortune 500 companies such as HP, UBS, and Sharp and implemented or enhanced knowledge base systems, subject matter expert yellow page systems, and communities of practice.
Rik Page, Bluestream. Rik has worked with component content and document management solutions for over 20 years. He has worked with custom DTDs and Schemas, S1000D, iSpec2200, and DITA, together with various document and content management systems, including Documentum, SharePoint, XDocs, Ixiasoft, easyDITA, Astoria, and Vasont. His practical experience ranges from high volume data capture and content creation to dynamic multichannel delivery in various industries, including banking and finance, manufacturing, central government, and education. In addition, Rik has participated in multiple consultancy projects and helped formulate innovative solutions throughout Europe and North America. Rik is also an advocate of Documentation 4.0, a new concept reflecting the demands on content/documentation that results from moving to Industry 4.0 and ‘smart’ manufacturing.
Recorded May 10, 2023
Component based content management, structured authoring, and semantics not only help us to scale and personalize documents and data driven publications, but also enable organizations to create, localize and maintain large volumes of rich media publications, such as e-learning courses, animations and for instance instruction videos. A growing number of use cases and business needs demand for video as the preferred format. Visual media, like video, often help people to understand, and remember topics and concept better. It helps to improve learning and reduce support cost. Also, adding video enables organizations to communicate with their stakeholders via channels and devices they prefer. The challenge is: how to make video scalable, compliant, and cost-effective?
During this talk Wiegert and Wouter not only explain how current technology supports organizations reaching these goals, but also how it positively influences operations, and competitive advantages of organizations.
Presented by Wiegert Tierie, RWS and Wouter Maagdenberg, TXTOmediaWiegert Tierie is Vice President of Strategic Accounts and Tridion America Sales Team Lead. He brings over 25 years of experience in numerous senior leadership roles. He is an ambitious visionary executive that uniquely combines strategy, sales, and marketing experience with an extensive background in financial, business process optimization, and product management to offer our customers a competitive edge, building their brand and their go-to-market strategy. To deliver results and success for the key customers he works with. Earlier Wiegert worked with Tridion, the leading Dutch Customer Experience and WCM vendor, and successfully launched numerous projects with Marquee brands. Prior to that, he played a key role in the introduction of Adobe Acrobat in Europe. Wiegert earned a Master of Science in Business from the University of Groningen (The Netherlands). He loves the outdoors, sailing and currently lives near St. Petersburg FL (he moved from San Francisco, CA in May 2020)
Wouter Maagdenberg is CEO and Cofounder of TXTOmedia. He is a serial entrepreneur who started his first tech company, during his BA studies at Erasmus University in 1996.
He sold his former company Calamares (Media Asset Management) to SDL (now RWS) in 2011. After leaving SDL, he started to develop what has now become TXTOmedia.
Wouter’s role as CEO combines strategic product management with business development. TXTOmedia – The Video Automation Company – offers technology to automatically create and localize training, instruction, and how-to videos at scale, based on (existing) structured content.
The business benefits include but are not limited to speeding-up time-to-market of videos and improving the customer and employee experience while decreasing cost and carbon footprint.
April 1, 2020 Implementing DITA with a small team of technical writers does not have to be expensive or difficult to set up. We'll go through the steps of implementing a DITA solution using GitHub for storage and workflow and Oxygen XML Editor for editing. We'll also look into how you can automate publishing and receive feedback from your end users. As a practical example we'll look into how editing, collaboration and publishing on the Oxygen XML Blog works. Presented by: Radu Coravu started working more than 10 years ago as a software developer for Syncro Soft SRL, the manufacturer of the popular oXygen XML Editor. During the last years, his main focus has been in the development of the visual XML Author editing environment and the specific-DITA support provided by oXygen. He provides support for complex integrations and helps steer the product in the right direction, all this with some development on the side.
Recorded on December 6, 2023
Join us for an exciting journey into editorial efficiency with our industry wizards. We’ll unveil the secrets to success throughout your editorial process, especially in a world where Generative AI has become a transformative force in content creation. In this dynamic session, we’ll explore the following fundamental points:
- How to streamline editorial processes to increase efficiency.
- Why governance is an essential factor in mitigating the risk of using generative AI for content creation.
- How to establish automated quality gates throughout the content supply chain.
Peter Tauter, our Vice President of Product Management, is a seasoned professional with a background in computational linguistics, AI, and computer science. With 20+ years in B2B software development and product management, Peter is passionate about technology and how it can improve lives.
His expertise as an engineer and product strategist is evident in his track record of creating impactful solutions that benefit both businesses and individuals. Peter's commitment to innovation and user-centric technology is a driving force in our organization. Beyond the boardroom, he brings a unique touch of joy – not only can he lead in product creation, but he can also lead on the dance floor, mastering the art of a swing out.
Recorded on May 31, 2023
Why cultivating your Information Layer leads to better customer experiences and creates enhanced perceived product value.
In this Webinar, we’ll give attendees insight into what it means to manage and govern an enterprise content ecosystem by “unlocking” the power of the CMS. We’ll walk through case studies and examples of how successful organizations have extracted more value from their content and data. We’ll also give attendees hands-on exposure to the information layer by guiding interactive exercises in organizational alignment and modeling enterprise content taxonomies and metadata.
Presented by:
Chip Gettinger is the VP of Global Solutions Consulting at RWS, he manages a team that works with customers in maximizing global content with RWS. He has experience working with customers to develop global content strategies, business ROI adoption drivers, change management, and technology adoption for component content management systems. He speaks and blogs about customer successes working closely with industry standards, partners, and customers in technology solutions and deployments. with guests Bram Wessel and Bob Kasenchak, Factor Firm
With more than two decades as a user-centered design and research professional, Bram Wessel believes that technology should enable natural experiences for real people. Bram has developed human-centered digital experience designs and strategies for such high-impact brands as Adobe, Amazon, Backcountry, the City of Seattle, Crate & Barrel, Disney, Expedia, GE, Group Health, Intel, Lionsgate, MasterCard, Microsoft, Nordstrom, Real, Safeco, Sony, Starbucks, Volvo, UW Medicine, and Warner Brothers. A tireless advocate for the IA/UX discipline, with many articles to his credit, Bram is a frequent speaker at conferences such as the Information Architecture Summit, UX Week, Lavacon, Webvisions, ConveyUX, Seattle Design Festival, Taxonomy Bootcamp, and regional meetups and workshops. He is committed to educating the next generation of practitioners through his advanced User Experience and certificate Information Architecture classes at the School of Visual Concepts and as a guest lecturer at the University of Washington’s MCDM and MLIS programs. Bram is a member of the Information Architecture Institute (IAI) and the Seattle chapter of the international Interaction Design Association (IxDA). Bram is a founding partner at Factor. In his spare time, Bram enjoys fly-fishing. shellfish farming, and making wine.
Bob is a taxonomist and ontologist with an interest in knowledge graphs and Linked Data. He has worked for over a decade building and implementing taxonomy projects for publishing, enterprise, technology, and e-commerce clients. He brings experience with information modeling and semantic software to client-focused metadata and vocabulary projects. Bob holds an MM in Theoretical Studies from the New England Conservatory of Music and a BA in Liberal Arts from St. John’s College, Santa Fe; he put in 5 years towards a PhD in Music Theory at the University of Texas before abandoning academia for the information industry. A frequent writer and presenter on semantic topics in conferences and journals, Bob’s current research interests include ontologies, knowledge graphs, and text classification. Still active teaching and playing music, Bob has been a member of the local ensemble Gamelan Encantada for the past several years. He lives in Albuquerque with his wife and elderly cat. -
Recorded on January 12, 2023
Is your content CCMS-ready? Have you optimized your content versioning and lifecycle management? If you want to fully leverage your CCMS features, it’s time to update your IA.
In this webinar, Amber Swope, Information Architect at DITA Strategies, and Wiegert Tierie, VP of Strategic Accounts at RWS, share tools for transforming authored content so that it is CMS ready. Learn how to evaluate your map structures, topic structures, metadata, and content reuse strategies.
Presented by:Wiegert Tierie, Vice President of Strategic Accounts and Tridion America Sales Team Lead, brings over 25 years of experience in numerous senior leadership roles. He is an ambitious visionary executive that uniquely combines strategy, sales, and marketing experience with an extensive background in financial, business process optimization, and product management to offer our customers a competitive edge, building their brand and their go-to-market strategy. To deliver results and success for the key customers he works with. Earlier Wiegert worked with Tridion, the leading Dutch Customer Experience and WCM vendor, and successfully launched numerous projects with Marquee brands. Prior to that, he played a key role in the introduction of Adobe Acrobat in Europe. Wiegert earned a Master of Science in Business from the University of Groningen (The Netherlands). He loves the outdoors, sailing and currently lives near St. Petersburg FL (he moved from San Francisco, CA in May 2020)
Amber Swope is an internationally recognized Information Architect, Darwin Information Typing Architecture (DITA) expert, and information architecture (IA) consultant. With over 20 years of information development experience and 15 years of DITA expertise, Amber specializes in helping organizations create opportunity through IA. She helps teams build scalable IA solutions to future-enable their content and empowers team members to advance their architecture as it evolves to meet new business needs.
Recorded on January 19, 2023Providing excellent customer service that keeps your customers happy without driving service costs up is always a challenge. It becomes even more critical when you have thousands of customers, and their number is growing.Our client, a Swiss manufacturer of high-end digital printing systems, faced those challenges and quickly realized that enabling self-service documentation was key to unlocking their growth while raising their service levels up to the company’s standards.In this session, we are going to discuss how by introducing structured content, standardizing the content processes, and changing the way the content was delivered to customers, the company changed the service culture from “call for solution” to “information self-service”.Join Fabrice Lacroix, CEO at Fluid Topics, and Alex Masycheff, CEO at Intuillion, as they explain how:- The documentation team realized that PDFs were not efficient in providing customers and service teams with relevant and useful information.- They started providing customers and field operation teams with a self-service platform that delivered personalized content on spare parts and product documentation.- Service engineers got access to the most up-to-date product information.- The entire company improved the ROI as a result of making these changes.Presented by:
Fabrice Lacroix is a serial entrepreneur and a technology pioneer. He has been working for 25 years on the development of innovative solutions around search technology, content enrichment and AI. He is the founder of Fluid Topics, the leading Content Delivery Platform that reinvents how users search, read and interact with technical documentation.
Alex Masycheff is the CEO of Intuillion Ltd. (http://intuillion.com/) that develops solutions for managing, automating, and delivering enterprise content. He has been in the content industry for 25+ years. He leads implementation of XML-based solutions in many companies, including Kodak, Siemens, Netgear, and EMC.
Recorded on October 16, 2024
HTML is used not only as a final delivery format but increasingly as the source format for documentation of all kinds, whether that’s internal product designs or customer-focused technical documentation. Understanding change in those documents is a vital part of your content management workflow. Join us as we explore the ins and outs of HTML redline documents, looking at how to identify change in HTML, how to visualise it, and how it fits into your toolkit. From text to tables, MathML to SVG, come and discover how to decide what matters in your redline output. Presented by: Tristan Mitchell, DeltaXML
Tristan is Product Director at DeltaXML, a technology company with world-leading software products for managing change in structured content. He has a deep understanding of DeltaXML’s product suite and loves to help customers create extra value in their content using change management. Tristan is a father to three daughters, a movie lover, and a keen runner.
Recorded: April 13, 2022
Presented by Michael Klemme and Klaus Fleischmann
Terminology is at the core of great content. When used consistently, it helps you communicate precisely and efficiently, which is an approach to your brand communication. It also makes your content accurate.
But it’s important to have a sound process in place to manage your terminology. Join us and learn how to:
Make sure all stakeholders have input into your terminology set
Set a process for consent and approval of your terms
Make sure you have a consistent and failsafe process to
Have all your terms for checking in Acrolinx, as the content quality solution of choice
Make sure all terminology action is concentrated in quickTerm, as the leading terminology system
Michael Klemme is a Senior Solutions Architect at Acrolinx. He advises new and existing customers on how they can efficiently integrate Acrolinx into their processes and helps partners to develop integrations.
Klaus Fleischmann studied translation and IT in Vienna, holds an MA in Conference Interpreting from Monterey, California, and a MAS in Technical Communication from Krems, Austria. In 1996, he founded Austria-based Kaleidoscope, a company implementing content, translation, and terminology management processes for internationally active companies. Kaleidoscope develops online collaboration software for enterprise-level terminology workflow, translator query management, in-country review etc., making the translation quality process comprehensible and strategically manageable. In 2007, he became CEO of Austria´s leading LSP, Eurocom Translation Services GmbH. Always active in the industry, Klaus got voted into the Gala Board of Directors in 2015 and 2017. -
Recorded on September 14, 2023
Intelligent terminology retrieval and management with TermCatch and Kalcium Quickterm A centrally managed and validated termbase forms the basis for consistent and correct company terminology. One of the challenges of managing such a termbase is that terminology is spread across different areas of your company and is constantly being changed and created. In one department, a new Excel list suddenly appears. In others, your terminology runs free in all manner of texts, from technical manuals and marketing brochures to software user interfaces and your own website. But how can you capture this "wild" terminology, tame it, and integrate it into your existing terminology? And how can AI support you in this and other terminology management tasks? In our webinar we will show you:
- Where terminology may be hiding in your company
- How to extract, cluster, harmonize, and validate it
- How to use AI in order to be more efficient in your terminology work
- How the new TermCatch integration for the established terminology management and workflow tool Kalcium Quickterm supports you in this process
Klaus Fleischmann studied translation and IT in Vienna, holds an MA in Conference Interpreting from Monterey, California, and a MAS in Technical Communication from Krems, Austria. In 1996, he founded Austria-based Kaleidoscope, a company implementing content, translation, and terminology management processes for internationally active companies. Kaleidoscope develops online collaboration software for enterprise-level terminology workflow, translator query management, in-country review etc., making the translation quality process comprehensible and strategically manageable. In 2007, he became CEO of Austria´s leading LSP, Eurocom Translation Services. Always active in the industry, Klaus got voted into the Gala Board of Directors in 2015 and 2017
Mikael Lundahl works with language processes and language technology. From content creation to translation and publishing. From marketing material to technical documentation and software strings. His focus is on how terminology, with processes and tools, can support both the writing and translation processes. Fodina Language Technology partners with and sells products from Kaleidoscope and Acrolinx. But Fodina also develops tools that help customers to build their company terminologies based on existing documentation, standards, or competitor's web information. AI-supported term extraction from many file formats and automated clustering of identified terms into concepts. Through integrations to both Acrolinx and Kaleidoscope products, we have full tool support for the terminology process that we recommend customers to use. Our tools support working with terms in English, German, and Swedish.
Recorded on November 3, 2022
For over fifteen years, teams have tried to justify their need for a move to structured content with the same old arguments. In today’s ever-changing landscape, these old arguments are no longer sufficient and, in many cases, not even relevant. In this webinar, we will be looking at other drivers for the move to structure with real-world examples of what can be achieved. Presented by Rik Page, Bluestream
Rik has worked with component content and document management solutions for over 20 years. He has worked with custom DTDs and Schemas, S1000D, iSpec2200, and DITA, together with various document and content management systems, including Documentum, SharePoint, XDocs, Ixiasoft, easyDITA, Astoria, and Vasont. His practical experience ranges from high-volume data capture and content creation to dynamic multichannel delivery in various industries, including banking and finance, manufacturing, central government, and education. In addition, Rik has participated in multiple consultancy projects and helped formulate innovative solutions throughout Europe and North America. Rik is also an advocate of Documentation 4.0, a new concept reflecting the demands on content/documentation that results from moving to Industry 4.0 and ‘smart’ manufacturing.
November 11, 2021 Content authors need to consider many factors while converting their existing content to structured content, including analyzing the content at its source. This exercise is interesting yet challenging, vexing, but rewarding. But what are those factors you need to think about for this conversion? For starters, you need to consider:
- Character styles and how they are assigned (Use the style named Emphasis? Press Ctrl+I? Use a toolbar icon? Is there a difference?)
- Paragraph styles and how they are assigned (Did you skip bullet 1 and go right to bullet 2 because it looks better and, if you did, what does it mean?)
- Images and how to import them (Did you copy/paste or use the import setting? If so, how did you import it? As a link to the source?)
- Links between files or the web (Did it just get typed in, or was this inserted using a linking tool? How will it convert?)
- Page layout, tables, design, variables, equations, and so on
Recorded on December 15, 2022
The new 20s have been very turbulent so far, and have shaken many basic beliefs in the industry. It might seem comforting to know that at least Component Content Management Systems still work just as reliably as they did back in 2019, 2014, or 2008... wait. Isn’t it time for a change? Experts agree that even the latest trends like content delivery, ontologies, or the cloud won't bring about the change needed for software to evolve the way technical writers actually use it. If we question our basic assumptions on how a CCMS works, however, we might find some exciting new possibilities. WHAT YOU'LL LEARN An industry expert will highlight the megatrends of the 20s and try to draw new conclusions for CCMSs. And no matter where this webinar will lead us, we'll have plenty of material for discussion at the end. Presented By Sebastian Göttel
Sebastian Göttel is Head of Marketing and Product Management at Quanos Content Solutions GmbH. The computer scientist has been involved with XML editing systems and content delivery since 1998. In the Tekom environment, he worked on version 1.0 of the iiRDS standard. [email protected]
February 15, 2022 Just putting your technical documentation on your webpage as a PDF for download will not make you a content hero. PDF is a given – a fundamental requirement. However, both business leaders and end customers expect more than just a documentation portal or a well-designed PDF. They want contextually relevant, personalized, consistent, conversational, and scalable content experiences. But how to deliver on this expectation? In this session, Stefan Gentz, Senior Worldwide Evangelist for Technical Communication at Adobe, will share some insights from the recent Adobe-commissioned Forrester study. Forrester surveyed 450 decision-makers on Content Experience Management to understand how global brands deliver relevant and contextual experiences across touchpoints. He will explore the design of positive customer journeys from marketing to technical support and self-service and back to sales – experiences that provide 360° content experience for your customers and handhold them across their whole content journey. Presented by: Stefan’s mission is to inspire enterprises and technical writers around the world and show how to create compelling technical communication content with the Adobe Technical Communication tools. He is also a certified Quality Management Professional (TÜV), ISO 9001 / EN 15038 auditor, ISO 31000 Risk Management expert, and Six Sigma Champion. As a sought-after keynote speaker and moderator at conferences around the world, he travels around the globe half of the year. Besides that, he has been the European Ambassador for the Globalization and Localization Association (GALA) for many years, a member of the tekom Conference Advisory Board for several years, and is now a member of the tekom iiRDS working group for Intelligent Information and member of the OASIS DITA Adoption Committee. In 2016, Stefan Gentz was awarded by MindTouch as one of the Top 25 Leading Content Strategist Influencers in the world and as one of the Top 25 Content Experience Influencers in the world in 2017. Stefan Gentz on LinkedIn Stefan Gentz on XING @stefangentz on Twitter www.adobe.com
Recorded on April 6, 2023
Enterprise companies are adopting AI generative tools to streamline their content operations and improve efficiency. But without proper governance, they may find themselves publishing off-brand, non-compliant, and even offensive content.
In the era of generative AI, companies need content governance more than ever. Join Paul Bongers to take a closer look at ChatGPT, AI, and NLP technologies and discuss their impact. Don’t miss out on this unique opportunity to balance innovation and governance in the digital age.
Come learn:
How generative AI works
Its opportunities and pitfalls
Where it fits in the content supply chain
Why it requires content QA and governance
Paul Bongers is a strategist, technologist, and a SaaS generalist. In his role as VP Strategy, Paul shapes the Acrolinx product strategy. His team works closely with all departments across the business to foster innovation and expand value for Acrolinx customers. LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/pbongers/
Recorded on June 7, 2023
What’s Next: Social and Semantic Technical Documentation In most respects, today’s technical documentation works like the good old Web 1.0: one-way publishing of static textual content, written by humans to be read by humans. But in the last 20 years, the Web has experienced two major revolutions, social and semantic, that led to the outstanding developments of Web 2.0 and Web 3.0. Will technical documentation go the same way? Join Fabrice Lacroix, serial entrepreneur, technology pioneer, and founder of Fluid Topics as he explores the principles that transformed the Web, finds out how these concepts can be applied to technical documentation, and get an insight into Tech Doc 2.0 and Tech Doc 3.0. Presented by Fabrice Lacroix, CEO of Fluid Topics
Fabrice Lacroix is a serial entrepreneur and a technology pioneer. He has been working for 25 years on the development of innovative solutions around search technology, content enrichment and AI. He is the founder of Fluid Topics, the leading Content Delivery Platform that reinvents how users search, read and interact with technical documentation.
Recorded on October 9, 2024
The way you deliver content impacts every aspect of your business, from how users discover and engage with your information to the speed of your product launch and the quality of your customer support. The success of both your content and product hinges on how effectively you manage this process. In today’s AI-driven world, Content Delivery Platforms (CDPs) are a game-changer. By unifying and centralizing all your knowledge, they serve as an essential backbone for Generative AI applications while empowering companies to deliver relevant, personalized and contextual content experiences to users on any device and at any touchpoint. Join our masterclass to uncover the key concepts, benefits, and practical uses of a CDP, illustrated with real-world examples from diverse industries and businesses. Discover how to choose the right solution to meet your current delivery needs and future-proof your business for long-term success. Presented by Fabrice Lacroix
Fabrice Lacroix is a serial entrepreneur and a technology pioneer. He has been working for 25 years on the development of innovative solutions around search technology, content enrichment and AI. He is the founder of Fluid Topics, the leading Content Delivery Platform that reinvents how users search, read and interact with technical documentation. -
Recorded on September 8, 2022
Does this sound familiar: there is so much data in your organization, and it is not always clear which sources are up to date and really relevant to business decisions? Terminology can act as the single source of truth, breaking up data silos and providing the same information to every employee. But in order to achieve that, terminology needs to get close to the users and find its way into their systems.
We share how
- to implement the "single source of truth” in terminology work
- to connect your systems, e.g., ERP, CMS, PIM, CAT tools, etc.,
- to distribute the information
- to make this information usable for all
Join us for a tour that starts with your relevant data sources and ends with a clear and concise terminology process as a way of making sense and use of this data.
Presented by Christian LangChristian Lang, Technical Consultant, has a wide range of experience and interests in the language field, proven by his degree in Japanese studies and translation. He first became involved with terminology management as a freelance translator for the European Patent Office. Since then, it has become one of his hobbies, as has research in the field of NLP on topics such as machine translation, automatic term extraction, and concept maps.
Recorded: April 27, 2022
Presented by Klaus Fleischmann OK, so we have all understood that terminology is important for content, AI, search engines, consistent naming, etc. But what do you need to do
- to launch a professional and scalable terminology process,
- to convince your boss and your peers that your company needs it and
- to get this off the ground quickly and efficiently with the help of modern terminology software?
Recorded: June 9, 2022
Terminology only works effectively if the organization manages to agree on consistent concepts and terms. But to achieve a company-wide understanding and agreement a well thought out process and regular interaction are needed. While some organizations prefer a systematic process, others react to ad hoc requests, some are happy with a combination of both. Therefore, we
- look at the advantages and disadvantages of both approaches and
- share how to set them up in practice
Christian Lang, Technical Consultant, has a wide range of experience and interests in the language field, proven by his degree in Japanese studies and translation. He first became involved with terminology management as a freelance translator for the European Patent Office. Since then, it has become one of his hobbies, as has research in the field of NLP on topics such as machine translation, automatic term extraction, and concept maps.
Recorded on December 7, 2023
Communication can be tricky as meaning and understanding can get lost easily. The nuances of our languages with their different meanings and overlapping concepts are only one source for failed communication. On a business level, things get even more complicated when different business units or content providers are not consistent in their usage of words. In the days of “King Content” this can be detrimental to your business success.
- But how do you find out which terms are used in various parts of your organization?
- How can you gather and harmonize them?
- How can you get everybody's input on the suggestions you make as a terminologist?
- And how can you make sure you have a functioning feedback loop to maintain consistently high termbase quality?
Find out more in our webinar where we present procedural and technological solutions with our Content Quality Platform Kalcium.
Presented by Klaus Fleischmann, KaleidoscopeKlaus Fleischmann studied translation and IT in Vienna, holds an MA in Conference Interpreting from Monterey, California, and a MAS in Technical Communication from Krems, Austria. In 1996, he founded Austria-based Kaleidoscope, a company implementing content, translation, and terminology management processes for internationally active companies. Kaleidoscope develops online collaboration software for enterprise-level terminology workflow, translator query management, in-country review etc., making the translation quality process comprehensible and strategically manageable. In 2007, he became CEO of Austria's leading LSP, Eurocom Translation Services. Always active in the industry, Klaus was voted into the Gala Board of Directors in 2015 and 2017.
September 9, 2020 This is a presentation that provides an intersection between content and design. It is a high-level practical guide to analyzing your content, deciding what you want to do with it, developing style naming conventions, and developing editorial style guides, design style guides, and style templates. Once you get to that stage, you can then consider how content management systems, automation, and xml might fit into your publishing processes. Presented by: Marie Gollentz is a Senior Solutions Consultant focusing on the European market. Prior to joining Typefi, she held a number of positions in the publishing industry in London, including at the publisher of Research Fortnight and the London School of Business and Finance. Marie holds a Masters degree in European Political Sciences from the Autonomous University of Barcelona and a Bachelor’s degree in Political Sciences from Sciences Po Strasbourg. She is trilingual in English, French and Spanish.
Recorded on June 15, 2022
The Future of Documents is shaped by a fundamental change in how information is exchanged. This future sees a shift from traditional 'e-paper', formatted and optimized for reading by humans, towards semantically tagged information - exchanged in an open digital format. In this talk, we will share examples from industries that have a history in structured content - such as publishing and technical documentation - as well as from industries that are ‘newer to the game’, such as pharma and financial services.
- The Future of documents, - structured content and semantics from niche to mainstream
- Define Structured Content. What is it, and why is it so fundamentally different from formatted documents?
- What drives organizations to move from traditional authoring towards structured content authoring
- How can industries learn from each other? – Discussing benefits and features.
- Content automation
- Documents as data
- Component based authoring
- Future of documents
Jan Benedictus is Founder and Managing Director of Fonto. His experience goes back to the late 1990's when he started working in the field of online and digital publishing. In 2014, he started Fonto - with the mission to make structured content authoring available for everyone. Fonto, now part of RWS, is the leading provider of user-friendly tools for structured content creation, editing and review. Jan is a regular speaker on the subject of The Future of Documents; sharing Fonto's experiences and insights from working with structured content in various industries.
June 3, 2020 In these difficult times, it’s absolutely critical to demonstrate your value to your organization. As a technical communicator, your mission is to make sure you’re getting the right information to the right people. Part of the solution is to find the right tools – but they will only take you so far. Good content is crucial. You must write content in a way that best suits your audience and best matches their search patterns, so they can organically surface the information they need. Join Lawrence Orin, Product Evangelist and Customer Implementation Expert at Zoomin, as he takes an intriguing look at content strategy, and reveals a down-to-earth, practical approach that will ensure your writing is making a visible impact on your company. In it this webinar, you’ll learn:
- Practical steps to improving your writing skills
- Best practices for structuring content
- How to tailor your writing to your audience
Recorded on: August 9, 2023
Authors, particularly non-technical ones, prefer to work in the familiar environment of MS Office. Office, which has been the de-facto standard for creating hand-edited documents for about three decades now, is a useful tool; however, using the output in any kind of standard environment can be tricky. Converting from Office to PDF is a common function of many applications but there are some aspects to the conversion process which you may not have considered. I will be discussing the pros and cons of various Office conversion processes and going over several use cases for using dedicated conversion software.
Presented by Alex Critchfield
Alex Critchfield is the Support Manager at Antenna House and has been working with automated publishing systems for over two decades.