Fluid Topics' logoAnne-Sophie Lardet
April 15, 2024 


The Role of Content Delivery Platforms in Successful GenAI Projects

In the rapidly evolving landscape of artificial intelligence, businesses are increasingly turning to Generative Artificial Intelligence (GenAI) projects to drive innovation, enhance customer experiences, and streamline content operations. However, launching a successful GenAI project requires more than just cutting-edge algorithms. One crucial component that is often overlooked is the accessibility of information and how that knowledge surfaces. This is where Content Delivery Platforms (CDPs) play a pivotal role, and Fluid Topics is a key enabler of successful projects.

Understanding GenAI and Its Impact on Content Projects

Before diving into the specifics of CDPs, let’s first establish a clear understanding of GenAI and its significance in today’s content environment.

GenAI refers to artificial intelligence algorithms and models that autonomously generate high-quality content including text, images, audio, code, and more. Examples include Large Language Models (LLMs) like OpenAI’s GPT and Google’s Gemini, which excel in tasks such as language translation, content generation, and conversational assistance. But, whether trained, fine-tuned, or dynamically fed with in-context knowledge, GenAI is only as good as the content it is fueled with.

The Challenges of Content Fragmentation

Many organizations struggle to leverage the full potential of their content due to their fragmented knowledge environments. Their product content is often scattered across multiple systems, formats, and repositories, making it difficult for AI algorithms (and anyone looking for answers) to access and utilize this information effectively.

This issue also poses significant challenges for AI developers tasked with deploying Retrieval-Augmented Generation (RAG) models. When building a chatbot, IT teams tend to rely on sample data sets to test their technology. Yet, if the knowledge source is not unified, comprehensive, or up-to-date, the RAG struggles to generate contextually accurate responses, limiting its potential for real-world applications. As organizations navigate these new initiatives, they are quickly finding the benefits of ensuring content professionals play a leadership role.

The Role of Fluid Topics’ Content Delivery Platform

This is where a Content Delivery Platform like Fluid Topics comes in. Fluid Topics is designed to address the challenges of knowledge fragmentation by collecting an organization’s product content from any source – CMS, CCMS, LMS, GitHub, SharePoint, helpdesk tools, Wikis, – and in any format – DITA, Markdown, YAML, PDF, HTML, Word and unifying it into a central knowledge hub.

The platform then serves as a unified repository for all types of content, including product manuals, API documentation, knowledge bases, and customer support materials. By aggregating content from disparate sources and formats, our solution provides a single source of truth that is easily accessible to both humans and AI algorithms.

Fluid Topics and GenAI

Fluid Topics offers a comprehensive suite of core capabilities to launch your GenAI projects:

  • Unified Knowledge Repository: Fluid Topics aggregates content from diverse sources and formats and ensures that AI algorithms have access to all relevant information needed to deliver accurate and consistent responses
  • Security, Governance and Compliance: Fluid Topics provides the robust data governance platform you need for any GenAI implementation. It incorporates strong security features, protects sensitive information, and ensures compliance with regulatory requirements. Role-based access controls, encryption, and audit trails safeguard against unauthorized access, instilling confidence in the integrity and confidentiality of knowledge assets.
  • Content Tagging: Fluid Topics’ technology classifies content by its metadata for effective data governance. In some cases, Fluid Topics automatically generates metadata based on the properties an author defines for the content in an authoring tool. In other cases, administrators define metadata explicitly based on its content, context and sensitivity. This enables organizations to structure their content effectively, making it easier for AI algorithms to retrieve and utilize only relevant and applicable information, and minimize compliance risk.
  • Dynamic Content Delivery: Fluid Topics delivers content to end-users based on their specific needs and preferences. Whether it’s a customer support agent searching for troubleshooting guides or a user accessing product documentation online, Fluid Topics ensures that the right content is delivered to the right person at the right time.
  • Superpowered Search and Discovery: Fluid Topics provides powerful search and discovery capabilities that leverage both keyword and semantic search, also called hybrid search, including the local computation of the embeddings. Our proprietary AI-driven search technology provides superior relevance out of the box and supercharges it with unique customization and personalization capabilities. It prioritizes results based on relevance, context, and user behavior, enabling faster and more efficient access to knowledge.
  • LLM Integration: Fluid Topics provides an LLM gateway. It gives you the flexibility to call the LLM of your choice such as OpenAI, Azure OpenAI, Claude or Gemini by creating an abstraction layer and adding full traceability and security.
  • Prompt Management: Fluid Topics lets you create and manage prompt templates. For each prompt template you can select your LLM provider and the model that best fits the prompt. By combining internal semantic search and external LLMs activated by prompt templates, Fluid Topics makes it easy to create RAG-powered features.



  • Unlimited Front Design: Fluid Topics’ low-code-no-code UI designer offers a set of custom components that leverage these GenAI capabilities and lets you enrich the user experience with AI-powered interactions.
  • Next-Gen Content Analytics: Fluid Topics offers rich and valuable insights into how your technical documentation and product content is performing. The platform captures every user interaction with high levels of detail and deep context to drive content activity with meaningful information and offer better customer service.

Fluid Topics GenAI Applications

Fluid Topics enables you to leverage ready-to-use GenAI widgets to accelerate the deployment of your AI projects. Typical examples of AI-powered interactions that can be added to your apps and content are:

Question Answering: Get your content to safely answer most of your customers’ queries. Enable self-service and boost case deflection with AI-powered chatbots and other AI-enabled interfaces.



Augmented Support Agent: Pre-generate responses securely for your customer cases and cut ticket handling time by 50%.

Summary: Quickly sum up the key points of a guide or article without the pain of scrolling through lengthy pages.



Extract Tools and Parts: Generate a comprehensive list of required materials for an installation or repair procedure.

Code Assistance: Make sure your users understand your code examples at once by automatically generating explanations and comments on code snippets or converting them in other programming languages.

Your imagination is the limit: With Fluid Topics, you have the freedom to create your own widgets and prompts, tailored precisely to your preferences and UX design choices.

Unleash the Power of GenAI with Fluid Topics

By consolidating all your knowledge assets in a single platform, organizations can overcome the challenges of knowledge fragmentation, and empower AI algorithms to deliver accurate, relevant, and personalized experiences.

Fluid Topics provides the orchestration service and the core capabilities you need to start your GenAI projects today. Adding a trusted Content Delivery Platform to your tech stack is key in unlocking the full potential of your projects.

However, as you explore new horizons in the field of GenAI, it’s also crucial to acknowledge that a collaboration between content experts and IT and security teams will be essential to stay ahead of the curve. Watch this recent discussion between Amber Swope, Lief Erickson and Fabrice Lacroix exploring the role of content experts in GenAI initiatives.

Want to explore Fluid Topics’ GenAI capabilities? Make sure to reach out!